i-scream pgp keys

i-scream developer pgp key

This is the public key we use for signing i-scream software releases.

pub   rsa4096/0xA12F416AA37F3BD7 2013-08-07 [SC] [expires: 2024-07-14]
      Key fingerprint = 4AD8 6566 CAD0 3297 A980  4702 A12F 416A A37F 3BD7
uid                   [  full  ] i-scream Development Team 
sub   rsa4096/0x29E38BE8BCE83B45 2013-08-07 [E] [expires: 2024-07-14]

You can download a copy directly from here or you can search for it on a key server of your choice.

i-scream automated build pgp key

This is the public key we use for signing automated builds on our build server. This key is less trusted as it has no passphrase. We will only use this to sign things such as snapshot builds - all proper releases will be signed with the main key given above.

pub   rsa4096/0x863B2E8E1320D767 2013-08-07 [SC] [expires: 2024-07-14]
      Key fingerprint = 480F 4872 D8D2 5106 E056  52F0 863B 2E8E 1320 D767
uid                   [  full  ] i-scream Automated Builds 
sub   rsa4096/0x8CC30FFAAD3737CD 2013-08-07 [E] [expires: 2024-07-14]

You can download a copy directly from here or you can search for it on a key server of your choice.