i-scream documentation viewer


i-scream Protocols

 - Conventions

 - Host Connection Protocol
 - Host Heartbeat Protocol
 - Host Data Protocol

 - Client Control Protocol
 - Client Data Protocol

All protocols in this document assume a valid connection of
the appropriate type has been made, and that data streams
are already available.  All strings should, and will be,
terminated with a \n (newline character) to indicate the end
of the message.  All messages are sent as ASCII Strings.

Fixed protocol messages will appear in [] brackets, if there
is a variety of options they will be separated with the |
character.  For example:

Indicates that the message "OK" OR the message "ERROR" will
be sent depending on the result of the last action.

Data messages will appear in {} brackets, where the name in
the brackets indicates the type (as in kind, not data type)
of data that will be returned.  For example:


Indicates that data for use as 'last modified' will be

If [ERROR] is sent back at any time, this indicates that all
communication is over. EXCEPT where otherwise specified!

Host Connection Protocol
The initial connection of a host to the i-scream server is
through the FilterManager.  A Host gets its configuration
and then gets assigned a Filter to connect to and start
sending data.

The port number of the FilterManager is fully configurable,
however the default at this time is 4567.

Host         (direction) Server         Comment
[STARTCONFIG]---------->                Requests to start
                                        receiving config
             <---------- [OK|ERROR]     If the server ok's
                                        the request or not

[LASTMODIFIED]---------->               Asks when the config
                                        was last modified
                                        (used when checking
                                        if the config has
             <---------- [{lastmodified}Returns a long int
                         |ERROR]        time since epoch
                                        eg, 123456789
                                        To indicate what
                                        format this is in,
                                        I quote from the
                                        Java 1.3 JDK API
                                        "measured in milli
                                        -seconds since the
[FILELIST]   ---------->                Asks the server for
                                        the list of files
                                        that were used to
                                        build the config
                                        (used when checking
                                        if the config has
             <---------- [{filelist}    Returns a semi-colon
                         |ERROR]        separated list of

[FQDN]       ---------->                Asks the server to
                                        send the FQDN (fully
                                        qualified domain
                                        name) of the
                                        connecting host.
             <---------- [{fqdn}        Returns the FQDN of
                         |ERROR]        the connected host,
                                        or error if it can't
                                        be looked up.

             ********** LOOP START **********
             This loop reads configuration
             properties from the config

[{property}] ---------->                Sends the name of a
                                        property to be
                                        retrieved from the
                                        config file
                                        eg, UDPUpdateTime
             <---------- [{value}|ERROR]Returns the value of
                                        the requested config
                                        eg, 120
                                        If it is unable to
                                        find the requested
                                        property it returns
                                        ERROR to indicate
                                        that fact, but
                                        communication still
             ********** LOOP UNTIL **********
             The loop continues until the host
             sends the following message
[ENDCONFIG]  ---------->                Indicates that the
                                        host requires no
                                        more config
             ********** LOOP  END **********
             Communication continues
             <---------- [OK]           Indicates that the
                                        server is ready to
[FILTER]     ---------->                Asks the server to
                                        send it the host
                                        information of a
                                        filter that it
                                        should connect to
             <---------- {filter}|ERROR Returns a semi-colon
                                        separated list of
                                        FQDN hostname, UDP
                                        port number and TCP
                                        port number that a
                                        configured Filter is
                                        running on and
                                        assigned to the
                                        calling host
                                        or ERROR if none of
                                        configured Filter's
                                        could be found.

[END]        ---------->                Indicates to the
                                        server that the host
                                        has finished an will
             <---------- [OK|ERROR]     Indicates that the
                                        server is either ok
                                        or that it thought
                                        there was an error
Host Heartbeat Protocol
When a host is configured after it has connected it should
obtain a property TCPUpdateTime.  This indicates how often
a host should send a "Heart Beat", which is a pro-active
connection to the server by the host to indicate that it is
still alive.  This "Heart Beat" also allows a host to see
its configuration has changed and act accordingly.  In a
well written host this should just be a case of dropping out
of a loop and heading back to the start (connecting to the
filter manager).

Host            (direction) Server      Comment
[HEARTBEAT]     ---------->             Starts the
                                        heartbeat protocol
                <---------- [OK|ERROR]  Indicates that the
                                        server is ok or not

[CONFIG]        ---------->             Indicates that the
                                        host wants to check
                                        its config

                <---------- [OK|ERROR]  Indicates that the
                                        server is ok or not

[{filelist}]    ---------->             Send a semi-colon
                                        separated list of
                                        This should be
                                        identical to the one
                                        received in the
                                        connection protocol

                <---------- [OK]        Indicates that the
                                        server is ok

[{lastmodified}]---------->             Returns a long int
                                        time since epoch
                                        eg, 123456789
                                        This should be
                                        identical to the one
                                        received in the
                                        connection protocol
                                        To indicate what
                                        format this is in,
                                        I quote from the
                                        Java 1.3 JDK API
                                        "measured in milli
                                        -seconds since the

                <---------- [OK|ERROR]  The server then
                                        checks all the files
                                        in the file list to
                                        see if they have
                                        been modified more
                                        recently than the
                                        lastmodified value.
                                        If they HAVE that
                                        indicates that the
                                        configuration has
                                        changed and the host
                                        should re-configure,
                                        thus it sends ERROR.
                                        If the files remain
                                        unchanged the server
                                        will return OK to
                                        indicate the host
                                        should continue as

[ENDHEARTBEAT]  ---------->             Indicates to the
                                        server that the host
                                        has finished an will
                <---------- [OK|ERROR]  Indicates that the
                                        server is either ok
                                        or that it thought
                                        there was an error

Host Data Protocol
The UDP data packets that are sent by the host contain
simply XML data.  For information on the format of this
data see the XML via UDP specification document at:


Client Control Protocol

The client control protocol channel is opened by the client
and allows a variety of actions to be carried out by the
client at anytime.  Unlike previous protocols, this is NOT
sequential, all of the requests can be carried out in
any order.

All client protocols are backwards compatible, and the
version is shown by the protocol identifier.

There are three sections to this protocol.

1) Initialise (sent only at start)
2) Send command(s) - unlimited number in any order
3) Disconnect (sent only at end)

If at anytime the client sends something the server does
not understand, an [ERROR] will be sent

All are indicated with <> brackets.

v1.0 - Protocol identifier: "PROTOCOL 1.0" (without quotes)
       Supported commands:

Host         (direction) Server         Comment
             <---------- [{protocol}]   The server sends the
                                        protocol identifier
[{name}]     ---------->                The client sends its
                                        "name".  This name
                                        is used to identify
                                        the type of client
                                        to the system and
                                        obtain its config
                                        eg, Conient
             <---------- [OK]           Indicates the server
                                        is ok to proceed

<command #1> (allows client to obtain its configuration)
[STARTCONFIG]---------->                Tell the server we
                                        want to start this
             <---------- [OK]           Indicates the server
                                        is ok to proceed
             ********** LOOP START **********
             This loop reads configuration
             properties from the config

[{config};{property}] ---------->       Sends the name of a
                                        configuration and
                                        property to be
                                        retrieved from the
                                        config file
                                        Clients can obtain
                                        host information
                                        Otherwise it must
                                        prefix requests
                                        with "Client."
                                        All other requests
                                        will be ignored as
                                        if it was unable to
                                        retrieve the
             <---------- [{value}|ERROR]Returns the value of
                                        the requested config
                                        eg, 120
                                        If it is unable to
                                        find the requested
                                        property it returns
                                        ERROR to indicate
                                        that fact
             ********** LOOP UNTIL **********
             The loop continues until the client
             sends the following message
[ENDCONFIG]  ---------->                Indicates that the
                                        client requires no
                                        more config
             ********** LOOP  END **********
             Communication continues
             <---------- [OK]           Indicates that the
                                        server is ready to

<command #2> (tells the server to start the data link)
[STARTDATA]  ---------->                Tell the server we
                                        want to start this
             <---------- [{portnumber}  The server then sets
                         |ERROR]        itself listening for
                                        a connection on its
                                        data link socket for
                                        this client.  It
                                        returns the port no.
                                        that it is listening
                                        on eg, 12367
                                        If the data link is
                                        already started the
                                        server will return
             <---------- [OK]           Indicates the client 
                                        has successfully 
                                        connected to the 
                                        data socket.

<command #3> (tells the server to stop the data link)
[STOPDATA]   ---------->                Tell the server we
                                        want to start this
                                        The server then
                                        shuts down the
                                        data link to the

             <---------- [OK|ERROR]     Returns OK is the
                                        server is ready to
                                        proceed, or ERROR
                                        if the data link
                                        was not open in the
                                        first place

[DISCONNECT] ---------->                Tells the server the
                                        client wants to
                                        close the control
             <---------- [OK]           The last word from
                                        the server, it will
                                        disappear after 
                                        this, and close the 
                                        data link if 

v1.1 - Protocol identifier: "PROTOCOL 1.1" (without quotes)
       Supported commands:

Host         (direction) Server         Comment
<command #4> (indicates to the server which hosts the client
              wants data from)
[SETHOSTLIST]---------->                Tell the server we
                                        want to start this
             <---------- [OK|ERROR]     The server will
                                        return an ERROR if
                                        the data link is
                                        open, as a host list
                                        must ONLY be set
                                        if the data link is
                                        If the server is
                                        ok to proceed with
                                        the command it says

[{hostlist}] ---------->                This is a semi-colon
                                        seperated list of
                                        FQDN hostnames that
                                        the client wishes to
                                        recieve data from
                                        If the list is sent
                                        blank (or if no list
                                        is set at all) then
                                        data from ALL hosts
                                        will be sent to the
                                        client (this is the 
                                        default if no 
                                        SETHOSTLIST is not 
                                        run by the client
             <---------- [OK]           Indicates the server
                                        is ok to proceed and
                                        the host list has
                                        been accepted

Client Data Protocol
Once the data link has been opened by the control link, the
server will send XML formatted data packets separated by the
\n (newline) character.  For information on the format of
this data see the XML via UDP specification document at:


This document was written by AJ Moore for use by the team working on a
3rd year Computer Science project called "i-scream". More details can
be found on the project website;
